Friday, November 10, 2006

After The Mat ....

The Dojo ... A place I would have never dreamed I would know in life. I do not know how to fight and I cant beat anyone up ... but my mind is better for being there. I did some testing in my journey to figure out why I hit invisible walls in life over and over! Apparently my mind is not all that geared for being an engineer and spatially I scored low. The woman who read my results said, dance classes, Karate, things like that would be hard for you. I told her, I dance (social dance etiquette) and I'm a karate gal for fun as well. No I do not pick up on things as fast as the rest of the class.... I have to stop and write things down while my son does not and looks at me with a funny face when I’m running to the side of the mat to jot down some Wang chung short hand! :)
What I'm most amazed about is how God can go before us and divinely weave into our life things we need. I give myself credit for being sensitive to discern his guidance.... but little did I know ... He was taking care of me before I knew what lay ahead. My self-esteem (and for MANY with ADD sufferer's) gets the most damaged. Imagine walking into work and before you get into your office chair you hit a wall and fall over. You look all over for the wall but it is not there ... so your mind then says.... OK there is nothing here and I just fell on my fanny HOW STUPID AM I!! Multiply this experience times minutes, hours and days = years PLUS a few things you started but never finished ... BUT LEARNED A TON! Answer = self-perception –1. NOW ADD a touch of genius that can wax on the wickedest self-beatings articulating, every experience and detail perfectly (at warp speeds daily).... and people ask me...why do you grieve during this season?
Well anyways…. All of these pictures were taken tonight after karate class (Except the one in my Gee). I have a spring in my step when I leave the studio. Finding out Karate is good for the way my brain is crafted was cool beans after all … divine how things work out in life. I have been in Kenpo for four years now...through foot surgeries and life’s challenges, I have not stopped loving my art or continuing to go back.
My hair gets toughed up ... ((((((*&*&^%&%*))))) I think I have been so girly all of my life, it feels good to get aggressive in a safe environment, especially when you hit the bag and you get one of those ...eeew I THINK THAT WOULD HURT! :)
I give thanks for the gifts that have divinely woven healing into my life. I have discerned and chosen the materials, tools and artful textures to work with. There is a plan for me, a plan not of harm or evil, but of prosperity profound, I weave this truth into my mind heart and soul. I weave this truth into my everyday life and future and everything I am.... and all that my heart and hand touches ... for life and death are in the power of the tongue and those that use it will eat the fruit thereof~ Touché'
I have this beautiful mind for a purpose and I give thanks for it~