Monday, November 13, 2006

"My Left Hand" A Quote From Sari Solden ~

This post "might" be left on untill this weekend. I feel it is that important and the message here is vital for those who have ANYONE in their lives who had ADD/HD.
I wanted to say something to those of you who contact me and leave comments ... Thank you and I feel endeared to you!

Ok... Sari Solden has wrote a book for women called " WOMEN with Attention Deficit Disorder." She is a >>psychotherapist<< who got diagnosed with ADD, mid-life, just like myself. I'm still trying to make it all the way through the book. I can only take bits at a time because I weep every time I come across my life being written by another's hand. I shutter because I read about certain things I have tried and tried to change ... but now I know these "things" will only be coped with ... for life. AGAIN- My doctor told me two or more years of grieving is what I could encounter... I'm glad he told me this because I would be thinking I'm nuts by now. Lately lonliness has been more than I have ever experienced. I don't unload every life problem here as I should not ... so uplifting others stories like Sari Solden is a way I can do to others as I would want done for myself. ~Everyone needs and wants to be understood.~
"During the initial writing of this book, I hurt my left hand and had to wear a brace. People were solicitous and sympathetic, constantly asking if I needed any help. This was startling to me because this was nothing compared to my AD/HD and my organizational problems.The solution to the physical problem was simple-I just didnt use my right hand. But I cant just "not use" part of my brain. I cant just say, "Well today I will just leave that part of my brian out of things." Not using my left hand was inconvenient, but people obviously understood there was something physical that I couldn't do. There was no self-recrimination or hiding. No emotion was attatched to it.
Again, it was nothing compared to the invisible disorder I can never get away from."
"Organization affects everything you do, say and think. It doesn't matter how many creative ideas one has if they cant organize them or communicate them. It premeates every moment of your life. There is no getting away from it."

~I'm silenced by her truth, her experience ... there is so much behind her words.~

I personally have been under particular and constant stress's for about one to one and a half years and running now. To read through this book (designed for women) has saved my life and pained me with the truth all at once. If we could REALLY see the brokeness inside of those with or without disabilitites, I think we all would weep, then faint of the mere emotional pain of such an experience.God must be strong because he see's it all and still answers all prayers in His time.

I have a beautiful mind, it makes me weep these days but none the less it creates, loves, touches and does so much more ... I'm thankful~

ThesaurusLegend: Synonyms Related Words Antonyms
Verb 1. weepweep - shed tears because of sadness, rage, or pain; "She cried bitterly when she heard the news of his death"; "The girl in the wheelchair wept with frustration when she could not get up the stairs"

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright ©2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Updated in 2003. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.