Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Self Portriat: Photographed on 7/7/2007

My Work Day Is Done ...

I really want to work this new schedule. My Boss is auditioning for a morning radio show "co-host" position.

We support one another using the "Law OF Attraction" .... this is our ground and I can say this (humbly) with power! I cant wait to hear if she gets hired!! I will then be at her house at 4 a.m. every morning. We are a team .... and I like that!!

So I say to myself do I look with minimal sleep and a new schedule I have never kept before ....

PLEASE FIND: My "3 a.m. look" and Mantras

When I arrived at work, my boss remarked about what the proverbs say about having that "morning" time with God. She was excited that her drive to work lent her this blessing,,,,,, I told her....funny you should day that ....I pulled over under a street light and read my devitions book (Henry Blackabee) because I was early getting here this morning!!! I was reminded that God keeps His promises and indeed .... God has made promises to me. Do you know what this means?? It means my promises are to be shared with hand picked people and everyone else in the world!! AMAZING!!!!!

I'm so thankful for my life .... it is rich with love, Princess Warrionr Power and SO much more.... I love comes with adventure, joy ands ease!!

I will exscuse myself from Blogging and nap now ... I will visualize my promises .... with divine help that is. ~ Selah~