Tuesday, January 23, 2007

What a difference !!

Please note: I have full permission from my son to share the following information. Last year my son was getting a straight up (F-) in Latin. Last report card he was getting an (A). Finals are again, getting graded and in came the results ... I was informed by my son that he got a 96% on his Latin final this week and there were 200 points total. He pointed out to me that last year he was getting 2% and 3%. This turn around happened in all his classes after med's for his ADHD and a special person who asks about his progress on a regular basis.....here is the evidence, the published information out there states ADD/HD patients respond best to coaching. We tend to get busy upstairs and in the process a low self esteem snowball affect takes over. A little you can do it takes us a long way ... from F's and D's to A's and B's.
I read about the sabotage issue last evening (seeing yesterdays post). The information stated that the behavior of sabotaging is a sub-conscience attempt to self protect. Author, Sari Solden encouraged us to take the time to recognize and slowly change in stages. I like that idea ~

Thanks to God for my beautiful mind ~

Seeking Out Sabotage with Random Thoughts ...

Sometimes life can be Black or White to me and I find myself temporarily color blind.

It is times like these here at Bella's when I find myself discovering once again. Sometimes the discovery process makes me feel like I will be alone for the rest of my life and here again I'm confronted with BIG lies that will take BIG faith to overcome.
When I take in everyday life, my mind produces creative streaks of lightning, so there is "magnitude" in all that I see, whether it be big or small. Some scientists spend their lives mathematically calculating explosions and what will get a man on the moon. I have spent my whole looking into peoples eyes .... if I saw pain it would impact me greatly. I actually remember looking UP at adults and taking them in and having many feelings run through my veins... Was I a child with a beautiful mind or is this all typical?
And please, don't get me wrong, I'm not a "reader" of mankind ...

I read on this sabotaging issue in regards to ADD in Sari Soldens book. I have to say I did quite the opposite of sabotaging relationships while growing up as I love people and wanted no-one to hurt... but these days I find myself doing this sabotage thing and I dont know why....but I'm glad I am seeing this. The good news is, there will be some healing in store for me.

I will end here with a "TO BE CONTINUED." I have needed to think about and Identify any sabotaging I may unconsciencly be up to. Tonight, I'm just one tired woman writing in her blog the night before and posting the written work on time for tomorrow.
I have a beautiful mind ... I'm thankful ~