Monday, April 23, 2007

Spelling errors included ...

Ath << see this... was suppose to me "At". Well, dyselxia can be co-morbid with beautiful minds as have no idea how many time I type backwards ..blogging has been fun and I hope you are all giggling! I left some eroors in tthis blog today ... thought it may be interesting for onserving alone ... :) I will try to dedicate a whole blog to this someday so you can see how the mind process's ...kinda wild if you ask me!

Many moths ago, I talked about the bitter season I was in. This season has indeed passed. Sari Solden
(author/pschyotherpaist, who was diagnosed mid-life) talked in her book about re-structuring the thought process after awareness has set in. I have been doing this .... I have my son on board as well because my AD/HD has affected both he and I. This has been a painfully slow change the mind is like turning a big ship around in the takes time. This has alos been scary. When realizing the quirks in the frontal lobes of my brain had forced me to live by my superconcious brain my whole life I freaked! The good thing about my beautiful mind is this .... I see the whole picture quite often. When I apply myself, study and understand it is more than just facts for me ... I get a three dementional picture or the whole picture some would say. This applies to my life alone. I have to say this .... it has been an emotional trip to activate my mind in a way that I have not before. It si as if that part of my brain had atrophied and it shook like a weak muscle ... hard to explain brain stuff...but I get it for me...I have comitted to understand me! :)

I have noticed since the intense pain has passed I have been fearful of pouring out some of the other junk I deal with in life. I will ask myself why .... when I come to that answer or when that answer comes to me I will wrtei about it. One thing comes to mind right away ...if it is not about AD/HD I guess I feel I would be off track here as this Blog is dedicated to AD/HD.

For now and always ...I 'm thankful for my beautiful mind.