Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Lil' Red and Goal Statements ....

Thanks for the comments about Lilly for those of you who wrote in!!! It was delightful to (in a way) share my joy and then have a return via the comments. Yep ... sigh, I have fallen for a four door! :) I will keep everyone updated as to How Lilly is ... I cant wait to give her a hand washing!

~ My sister and I have been looking into a business plan ... No secrets will be shared on this yet ... I will say, it is the best business plan I have ever seen! We will be writing goal statements about everything regarding our futures ... I like this idea. That Bibbia book says without a vision, people perish ... Cultivating the heart and mind for a future and a hope is fun I think. I have heard that most people who makes goals and write them down end up going back years later and noticing they have accomplished much, if not all that they professed to do. So Profess on I say to myself ... even if I feel I cant accomplish something I will profess that I will!
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Here begins yet another season in my life ... I can feel the sunshine, it seems like fall and winter have passed and the more pleasing weather is here and more is on its way. I'm amazed looking back into October and November of 2005 ... so glad I'm not there any more but would not exchange that pain, as I have internally evolved to a place where I embrace myself in a way that is balanced and healthy. What is on the tree now that the leaves have blown off? I say "anything I want" will be on the tree. I will dream and make dreams come true, I will continue to fight for others, after I fight for my family first. I see blooming petals on the branches with all kinds of different fruits and even some exotic ones like grapes that are suppose to be grown on a vine. No limits, nuts figs veggie's .... no limits!
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting The tree is big and the trunk is majestic and gives the assurance in its structure that it is rooted and grounded. The tree is planted by living water and will never die or suffer severe and chronic drought.
I have a beautiful mind and thankfulness spills over in me for this ~