Monday, January 22, 2007

The Guy And The Girl ...

Saturday night a girlfriend of mine called me and asked me to come out and meet a fella she is sweet on. She and I have over twenty years of history ... I'm honored to be trusted.
I liked this man ... he shares our faith, he does not date, hasn't in two years and goes to church every Sunday because he DESIRES to!! My girlfriend excused herself and he looked at me and said ..."I am scared" ... in essence he said, I'm scared because ... SHE .... SHE captures me! I told him there is nothing to fear and added all that she is and would be to the man that loved her. I told him he would never meet anyone like her again .. my friend is the most loyal woman I know in regards to relationships. I see a match ... I feel it in my bones but will he do right by her?

The next day we did what ALL females do .. we deliberated (see definition at bottom). We both could see all the high potential's. The thing that resonated most in me is this ... he was open even in his fear. I noted in my last two post's many things that tie into what I'm sharing here today. In this case, I will document and fallow a common scenario in the world of being single as it goes forward. Here I can remark on what is common and uncommon. This guy is already uncommon which is good and is scoring points. Today he scored big time in my eyes.
As we talked,I got out a book I'm reading on kissing dating goodbye. I read aloud about taking the first step into friendship ... not romance etc.

I GOT A CALL .... So my girlfriend calls me awhile after we "deliberated" and informs me that she got an message from "Mr.Right" that went a little like this...
Apparently he explained that he usually does not date, but would like to make an exception with her ... and told her he would like to "commit" to building a friendship with her.
She was already in harmony with him in her heart and messaged back that she would love to walk "side by side" and build that friendship .... here we go!!!
I was SO happy to hear this ..finally I see a man with some character!! She got scared on me just like Mr. Right did last night. I said ... has he left any question in your mind as to exactly where he is headed? She said no ... I called this fact out and said "then today everything is perfect" ... he has treated you well and proper and we will watch tomorrow come and go and hopefully we can say the same thing at the end of tomorrow and many days to come ... One day at a time, we dont even have to think ahead yet. The fear seemed to subside at these truths ... holding back the heart is not easy and we touched on that as well.
You may ask ..what is all the fear about?? Well many fella's use proper words, but RARELY have the actions fallowing up on his smooth talk. Women then wait, and wait and after the fella has moved on, we still wonder about that promise that was never kept, even if we never held the guys HAND!! Women have desires that root back from the days when we played with our baby dolls ... we never loose touch with our desires to be treated like a loved, adored woman who is THE ONLY one in the eyes of whom we love. I found this cute but true scroll if you will that SO matches a feminine hearts desires......
MySpace Codes from
Myspace Codes
If a husband were to memorize these truths and out of action and true love, let a woman know these things daily ... he would be translating her into heaven on earth!! IF a "Player" got a hold of these truths he could do some real evil because this stuff is what women long for ... it is what we dream about daily whether we realize it or not! I could say all this is just my opinion ... but I found the graphics you just read elsewhere ... I did not make all this up as I was going along here today! ;)
I have a beautiful mind and I'm thankful ~
***Deliberate \De*lib"er*ate\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Deliberated;
p. pr. & vb. n. Deliberating.]
To weigh in the mind; to consider the reasons for and
against; to consider maturely; to reflect upon; to ponder;
as, to deliberate a question.
Source: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)