Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Boo! You have been in disguise all of your life ... !

I was talking with a girlfriend of mine the other night venting my utter frustration from the fact that I KNOW people do not understand me, especailly right now! I cant blame them I used to treat certain people in life with a "C'mon get the job done" attitude. I never stopped to think that may be if they could have done the job right, they would have by now.
Here is a scary thought .... imagine waking up with a chicken suit on one day and the whole world inside and outside of you speaks TO THE FACT that this is who you are and sorry but such as life. Following this, you get a million revelations that go much like this ... gee that is why I like cracked corn so much! Now this story is getting close to being able to speak to this experience with some justice and is too close to how I feel daily right now. I cant wait to get through all the stages of grief. It is so strange that this process really can not be hurried, it really takes its course and I embrace all the pain as to NOT slow down the process.

As I said before, I work with an autistic child. My girlfriend has been working with special needs children for years as well and has a bachelors degree in early childhood educatiion.
She eloquently stopped my ranting and basically said...Zoe, you know it takes time for US TO UNDERSTAND our patients/clients etc. AS WE work in our fields of interest!
She told me about a deaf child she had worked with once and how it took her awhile to process...process.....process...then understand his needs based on his disability.
I then I validated this truth....I have a friend that is partially deaf and I habitually walked away while talking to this person for years, AND THEY READ LIPS - how sensitive of me right? Yikes !
We all in some way come to terms with various peoples needs in life. She said that "my people" will do the same ... come to terms with my biologically gifted mind and who I am ...then they will ____ I will let life tell that story.
I have been sternly advised as to what to do with certian stress's and people who are not supportive .... I'm informed that I'm dealing with a pervasive chronic lifelong disorder ... the proper friends, support and future mate will be a process of some delicate "hand picking" for the sake of my emotional health.
I give thanks for all of my friends and family ... I will keep going on as I have been given this time in life for a reason and I give thanks for my beautiful mind~

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Zoe, it doesn't have to be all doom and gloom.... Remember, those who are blind have an incredible ability to smell... Though it can be frustrating for those around us to understand why we're such "ding bats", once you learn to let some of it jsut happen it can sort of crack you up.... I find myself laughing at myself all the time....
Of coarse, there are periods of extreme sadness too.... but Maybe thats our incredible sense of smell...