Wednesday, January 31, 2007

NO Commun-icado IS Communicado ..

Random thoughts ...This is a long one ... come back later if you are busy! LOL!

NO communication IS communication and I try to be impeccable with my words and I respect others as best I can.

I'm an honest woman and attract myself to "birds" of the same feather ... or I fly away~

What does that mean ...?...
A. When one asks or in a subtly suggest wanting to know something about me (out of respect) I acknowledge the inquiry (most times quite literally).
B. I usually respond in 1 to 3 different ways.
1. Be open (and honest) of course and give them what they are looking for ... an answer, not a run around.
2. I will say, I don't want to talk about that right now OR I don't want to talk about that period.
3. I don't have the words right now ... I need to find them and get back to you ... sometimes the words come right after I say that sometimes not. This response usually means there is a worry of misinterpretation, rejection or I have many strong emotions attached to the subject matter.
4. Timing for some matters is everything .. I have learned to wait on opening up the can on some matters .. again .. timing is key.
5. I think outside the box ... I may start with an answer then an elaboration of thoughts, a philosophical whimsical trail of insights and more are very likely to evolve.
6. Sometimes my mind goes bike riding and I forget what I'm saying .. rabbit trails ... silly jaunts to blah blah blah...THEN suddenly I find the original path again and I finish my thought... I almost always finish a thought. << (#6) ADD/ADHD characterisitcs in me ~
7. In regards to honesty and communication ... I try to be my own best friend ...
RULE IN LIFE: Why be in denial ... why not listen to others opinions of me (unless they are being ugly wicked and have no loving purpose).

This insight is priceless .... what I just shared is the foundation to any and almost every conversation one could have with me at this juncture of my life... we all change and grow ... all that is listed above may change someday ... but for now.. this is who I am.

A pet peeve I have in life is when people avoid ... skirt and the like. Upon a detection of things like this I immediately encode in my brain that experience. I then proceed with fascination as to how many masks I will get to see this person put on. I wait to see if the real person emerges ... we can all tell when one gets real ... we all feel it in our souls ...

I love people ... I am fascinated by the different personalities .... truly evil people should make anyone get self defense training ... truly loving people re-fresh me immensely.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We have free will right? We know what God really wants for us don't we? Of course we do- sometimes we just don't want to take that road because "it's too hard" vs the road that we know is really right. Keep telling us that you want honesty and convince us that you will really listen and eventually we'll be more comfortable being completely honest.

I'll take a chance and put my head on the butcher block and be completely honest. Perhaps my honesty will inspire and not just hurt.

God gave us free have more control of your life than you know. He only wants what is truly best for us because when we are at our most honest, most healthy, most giving (due to receiving the abundance he freely offers, willing of course) it is only then can we TRUELY reflect the "in his likeness". Do you really think that he wants us to go around and slandering his name by claiming that you are such a devout Christian person when your "claiming" things that is negative (I have ADD or I can't do this or I don't have the means to do this). If we are in his likeness than shouldn't we be living in love and absolute truth and abundant wealth and health? It's more of your choice than you think. Keep saying "MY ADD" like it's your God/idol and that is exactly what you'll get. He always gives us a way to change things but I doubt he'll do much prayer answerin' when you don't do what you know he wants you to. So you lean on the ADD/ADHD crutch until you perhaps see/admit that it really is your free will choice to be where you are at today.

The thing about hearing God's voice is, generally we only choose to hear parts we think we can handle or deal with. Because to hear the whole conversation that is continually going on requires truly listening or perhaps accepting EVERYTHING he has to offer...not just the "poor me, I have this problem and God allowing me to go through this". No it's generally a consequence for the choices that we make- what we put into our body, what we watch, what we listen to, what we think. You have the free will to change anything you want but if all you focus and talk about is what is not perfect, than that's all you'll have in your life. We have more power than most of us even try to tap into- WE ARE FEARFLY AND WONDERFULLY MADE! WE ARE MADE IN HIS LIKENESS.

How about striving to living more on Php 4:8 for a while and see how much things change for you. At least strive to praise what is good and pure and true and lovely. Yes you keep saying you have a wonderful about actually taking that a step further- you have a wonderful life, full of wealth and health!

You plant seeds of I have ADD and this and that, you get what....Corn? Watermelon? Abundance of _____? You fill in the blank. What you sow is what you reap. You can stop the vicious cycle or teach your children to list to the father of lies too. But you and you only are solely responsible for what you plant. Sure the doctor's gave you some "seed" but it is your choice to plant them.
He is a gracious God full of love and mercy. He doesn't want this for you...You want this for you. Think I'm wrong? Feel free to put it too the test. It's not easy at first but it is better than slowly dyeing because we accept what some person tells us what we are; and then turn around and except that as God's truth! NO ONE HAS THAT RIGHT! WE ARE FEARFULLY AND WONDERFULLY MADE! ...and MADE IN HIS IMAGE! Not what the doctor's say you are or aren't!

You can be another statistic of a doctor's diagnosis or you can dig in deeper and search for what God really wants for you. You get to will...whatcha' gonna do with it? Perhaps that's what this blog is really about...the awesome change that people get to see when you choose to fully line up with his will- when you choose to do IT REALLY TAKES TO become more like him. Not just with a few things but every aspect of your life! You know exactly what it is...we all do. You can always start with doing/giving up some of the small things that he has been telling you to do for years. Imagine how much hope that will bring to others when you tell them that there is actually a way out of what other people tell them they are. Now that would be powerful, that would be giving God his rightful glory! He always gives us a way to fix what we mess up. Are you going to be one of the ones that teach people how to heal themselves / accept healing? Or just stay in the disease? You seem like the latter at the moment but I'm guessing you'll turn that around. Your a bit stronger than some and you keep saying you relish the truth.

This is MY honest truth. You've given permission to be honest know lets see how if you really meant it. This is my perception. Does my truth fit "your" truth?

You really do have a beautiful mind- I look forward to seeing the rest of it. Now to see how honest you really publish or not to publish. Your put in the position of wether or not to be completely honest. A little intimidating? Don't be so hard on people not baring there opinion/truth when you haven't always proved that you can handle it.