Sunday, February 04, 2007

Way Amazing 27 years later ....

27 Years later and I find myself talking to friends .... (in their eighties mind you) who have two children who are not married and they have no grandchildren. I told them about Intergrational sensory issues and my own symptoms and the lights were going on like no tomorrow as they sat and listened to me.
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting One of their children specifically is like my older sibling and is have watched her suffer from things and have a low self esteem all of her life (she is approx. 20 years older than I).This family has published works out there so I cant talk openly. Let me just say this ... It was an awesome feeling to be able to share with people who cared and understood. It was awesome to hear and feel them rejoicing in the revelations I have come into this last year. I can talk about ADD/HD here but out there I cant anymore. This Blog is dedicated to ADD/HD that is why I can come here ...but even my readers want to see more ... it will come and please give me time to get through this plateau. I called on school today, I have been re-doing things in my home, I have basically re-structured my head and do in many ways now. I will make a way or find a way to go upwards. People must understand that I thinkI cant becasue of millions of experiences of hitting neurobiological walls (literal walls) and it hurts inside BAD! Now I have to re-structure my thinking and will. It is not that easy to do when you are pushing against your own electrical current so to speak! I got to be like the litte engine that thought she could!
I have a beautiful mind~
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