Wednesday, April 11, 2007


I said I would write about "Temporary Brain Injury" so I will fallow through on my promise. I can not say I'm in a great mood today ... however I'm managing it fine. My goal is to experience a more tempered electrically wild world (thru meds) of being able to focus well enough, so that I can tell the difference...then pattern from there new behaviors and awareness.
This is a great lead into the TBI subject. AD/HD can be brought on by certain brain injury's, seizures, strokes and other medical triggers as well. So now we have medically induced AD/HD. I looked into this subject a little and I guess ALL of the syptoms between AD/HD and TBI (in frontal lobe area) are the same. The treatments and medications used are apparently are the same, but they come form totally different places. One is medically induced as I stated and the other, one is born with like my case. I know two people who have medically induced AD/HD .... I see their state and in my opinion, they are both unaware of the effects as of late. The person I have known for years definitely knows they have this as a diagnoses but is still unaware of how it infects relationships and relationship to everyday life. The second person I know does not have an AD/HD diagnoses ...they have TBI in the frontal lobe area of the brain where AD/HD can and does stem from. Through brief conversation (and my experience with this person) the AD/HD symptoms are blatantly obvious. This second person I do not know well. I would be curious to know if their current behaviors are much different from before their TBI symptoms. If not, I would wonder if they had this AD/HD (stubborn) problem all along, thus it would not be "TBI" but rather congenital AD/HD. It seems like NO-ONE asks theses questions of themselves or their medical Doctors. It seems like NO-ONE advocates for themselves...we lay down in our passivity and suffer the consequences thereof. The only fighters I have come across that are close to the arena I'm in, are those parents of Autistic children!! KUDOS to them! I have had SOOO many people come into my life with AD/HD problems .... and I know it is so I can reach out to them. I believe when we begin to heal we attract others who need awareness and healing themselves. I can't tell you how strong I feel about this!! My sister heard a doctor speak on AD/HD a week ago. She noted the doctors description of our beautiful minds (from one aspect)....AD/HD (beautiful minds) see the whole picture at once. The problem with this ...?.... the people that do not see the whole picture at once have a hard time receiving form your insight and vision if you will. We are not mini Gods and do not claim to be ....but we have a beautiful ability to see in dynamic ways....HOWEVER, if we go untreated and unaware, we will destroy others around us and eventually ourselves!
The problem with AD/HD is this .... it is a problem (in my opinion) that must be confronted by the outside first. Meaning one has to accept when another who "KNOWS what the symptoms are" and recognize when confronted! That person then has two choices-A. be humble and start learning so YOU CAN SEE or B. keep walking along life, stubborn and blind until you self distruct. Here are some simple indicators (my opinion alone here) ...Note your age in light of; addictions, broken relationships, career and schooling. Usually all or most of these have suffered... and in my case my body would do what my heart said NO to! Do not get me wrong I have great self control despite my case. I would love to set a standard as to classify 1st 2nd and 3rd degree symptoms. This would be good for awareness if you ask me. NOTE THIS ... AD/HD is an invisible disorder because sufferer's are HIGH functioning and NOT globally impaired. Once awareness is there ...we COULD see more than ever.....we COULD feel more than ever....we COULD can connect with others better than ever as well! I refuse to be a COULD of SHOULD of anymore. I will and am!!

I have a beautiful mind and I'm thankful~

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