Monday, April 27, 2009

ADD/HD And Stress

My first goal in writing here was to talk about what it was like to go through ADD/HD mid-life diagnoses as a female. I wanted to let it all out even if it made no sense at times so people could get an inside look at what a beautiful mind electrically charged looks and sounds like. Sometimes it is profound and other times it is a mess.

After I was diagnosed and started writing here I got sick and was in bed for most of the last three years. I isolated myself (Lord knows I have done this before). I had to ask myself why I did this because this time when I chose this route I hurt myself immensely and intense loneliness has since taken it's toll.

I isolate for two reasons....I don't like rejection and I don't like feeling like a burden to others. This all stems from being so dang sensitive and having that mind that can break down fast under stresses. You see, I know full well when one shares their burden with another, automatically the one listening to the hurts and pains of the other human will carry their burdens whether they want to or not, its a normal human response. I did not want to be a burden to anyone and in doing so I have become severely lonely. Silly me. One way I can reverse that which I created is to write about it. This time I'm going to write for me not for others. This season of my life is ALL about loving myself and giving myself the best.

I have become aware that I need to "create" better outcomes for life circumstances. My latest creation was changing my hair color. We found a Goliath size kidney stone that broke me over a period of a couple months ending with surgery and pain levels that were worse than throwing a normal kidney stone. I felt cursed. To take care of my beautiful mind I changed my hair color. Yes, after 16 years of being blond I am blond no more and it was a lovely distraction from all the current physical pains that seemed to intensify the ones I have been having over the last few years. I like to think I prolonged my life a little more by converting stress in a creative way. Truly, I have a beautiful mind and I'm thankful.

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