Monday, November 27, 2006

Photo journal from Oct.5th/06 Sleeping or Awake?

I was working on the Blog on the 5th of last month so I had little to say and just had a picture. .... Today however, I have something to say! Warning: If you dont like it here today, feel free to come back another time or go to the archives and read (see link for bella's archives) ... I'm inviting you to pass politely because I'm not HOLDING any punches today!
I committed to write about other peoples experiences so here it goes ....
*I listened to a hurt heart from a friend of mine yesterday who has ADD. I cant come out and say who-what-where-how and when. SO ... How do I do this then ... how do I write about my friends experience? The best I can do is ~ Talk or preach if you will, about some-things everyone in general can learn from or ponder on >attitudes/conduct/doctrine?< Sounds good to me~

I believe walking by faith (in principle alone) produces a beautifully led life. Pain or no pain-in bad or good times ... one can still be beautifully led, heck we make decisions ALL day long, every day of our lives why not add this art in a deeper way as we age. All of us use faith every day, we just do not think or talk in this realm. * I believe the counterfeit of "Faith" is an enemy called The Law. NOTE: I SAID "CONTERFEIT"-THE LAW IS NOT USELESS-I'M SAYING I THINK IT IS A COUNTERFEIT TO SUPERNATURAL FAITH-ALONE! Law can kill the internal knowledge of who we are really made to be. Law removes all the "stain removing power" that the Blood of Jesus provides. NOTE: it is there ... in the scripture ... if one lives by the Law the blood of Christ is of no affect to them.
Why would God put a boundarie on "law APPROACH" verses the "faith" approach? Is there something precious about the Blood of Jesus?? Law reveals in us our need for Grace but it cant "do the job" it cant cleanse sin, or falling short-it actually entices people to sin. Maybe this is how we can see what sin is alive and kicking somewhere within us? Why live under the "Laws" roof, why not just visit it for the betterment of ourselves? Why not use it as an exposer of our needs for forgiveness rather .... Hmm ~

When I study Kenpo I learn to disarm one who may want to kill me. If the law can kill me spiritually by keeping me from the cleansing blood, (which allows warm fuzzies and relationship/intimacy) with God. Shall I stand by and let "Law" rob me? I cant keep from sinning every day I live - I need some advocacy- So I can choose two different attitudes ~ (1) A humble, prayerful and willing to be (led AND OBEY IN FAITH)attitude OR ~(2) an attitude that says subtly-do this-do that- call it good-know if you are doing "good" and not doing "sin" - why THEN YOU are the cats meow!! :) Since you are, as you are ... do you let the dogs into your yard? Oh yes, I know cats are domesticated and dogs are not ... yes~yes ... but do you ? LET the dogs into your yard for Thanksgiving, Christmas etc.? Lets go beyond the local yard ... do you let them into YOUR HOME?

Or should I ask ... is anyone out there sleeping? On Oct.5th I used this pic to say ... I'm working on this blog it will come alive (or be renewed) soon!
Here comes the harsh truth, no tickling of the ears now. For those who call themselves christians listen up!! UNLESS- I repeat UNLESS- you tell the dog why it cant come into your yard I would warn you that the scripture says > if YOU DONT say something YOU will get punished for THEIR sin! The "FATHER" is fair in His parenting so take note. If our conduct is not loving God with all of our mind heart and soul AND loving our neighbor as ourself ... then what umbrella are we standing under because it could rain at any minute ? ! I want to be covered! I humbly ask to be led and or be led BACK to - "faith led living"~ Let me say this ... if a dog is going to molest, beat or abuse, make SURE you are led to do the right thing under those circumstances please!!! However, if you are a cat (by nature they tend to make their own rules) be careful of your unconscious Laws. If you see someones sin leading them to the "slaughter" and you just-bar off your yard-act religous and don't have a sit down truth talk with people in your life (A.) You are not a true friend in my book and (B.) You will inherit the same punishment (From God) that they will get for their sin...the "sin" you dont like! We have little need for "LAW" attitudes- so lets get away from that so our and other peoples sin can get washed away in a blink of a repentant second! In other words WAKE UP!!

My friend who has ADD is a dog ... and I tell this person so!! "FAITHFUL ARE THE WOUNDS OF A FRIEND, DECIETFUL ARE THE KISSES OF THE ENEMY." I'm BRUTALLY honest with this person. I know their ADD has hindered them from getting set free. I exspose the fact then say>this is no excuse!! But never the less, the yard was barred on Thanksgiving Day and the cat sat in the window and watched the dog so to speak. The feelings my friend was made to have are indicators (tellers) God put in us...we can be lacking but we are not stupid! I know this -IF we think we MIGHT be putting someone off THE LEAST we can do is tell them the facts. NO COMMUNICATION IS COMMUNICATION ~ So my freind has struggles with rejection because the ADD has hindered a proper healing from the doggie dog ways. It is 50/50 thing, 50% my friends fault 50% possible law attitudes or severe ignorance all across the board! ~ What tips the scale? Check the temp. on the inside of the heart ... Loving neighbor as self ? Loving God with all of the mind-heart and soul in there, deep down inside?
God fashioned in me a beautiful mind and I'm thankful for this ~

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