Sunday, December 17, 2006

My First Heart To Heart Talk (PART ONE) + (Part TWO)

Monday Dec. 18/06 ... Part two is yesterdays entry, only edited. Because I'm in the anger stage, I have decided I might do this from time to time as I can get testy even if its is done in a nice way.
Excerpt from ADDitude magazine article titled "Boxed In BY ADD":
"Hope for the future"
"The medical community is waking up to the fact that ADD is a big problem for girls and that the condition often persists into adulthood, says Nadeau. For now, she says, any woman who suspects she has ADD should educate herself about the condition—and consult a mental-health professional who specializes in the field."
Note the verbiage used in the parts of the article I have posted above .... "Hope For the Future" __ "is a big problem for girls"__"For now"___"should educate herself about the condition."
Florence Nightingale where are you when we need you most .... we need some cleaning up on this issue.
"For now a woman should educate herself on the condition" .... this is what I have been doing. I found and read this today after having a heart to heart talk with a friend of mine. We have some plans in the mix and so I spoke up and asked for the stage so I could express some of my discoveries and needs.

I was in the dark or have been rather. I was unaware of my social deficits and my "education" (not confrontation which is different") on this matter came from a book. Someone told me once .... no communication is communication.

The anger stage in regards to my current stage of grief is hard to cope with because I have no-one to get angry at. The most important thing I'm learning right now has much to do with knowing my limits and learning new ones. I can ask for what I need "for now" and I will be thankful for the opportunity to share as it will raise awareness. I edited out many expressions of frustrations out of "part one" ad turned it into "part two" as to symbolize that I need much Grace and I need to give much Grace. There is much to learn regarding ADD/HD. I would like to do it alone and as a team as God brings people into my path.
Thank you God for my beautiful mind~

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