Friday, January 19, 2007

True and honest love continued ....

I have more to say about what I witnessed in my sons life (see yesterdays entry).
I could take credit for the way he is but really I cant. My son has a free will and it has been through hard times that he has been molded. I am divorced from his father and I have raised my son alone since he was three....there is a story there but it is not to be shared yet. I guess what impacts me most is seeing how I have lived a life that has had a simple standard of truth and how it has affected my child. He has watched me be open and honest (in proportion of the need to be). I have given out this message ... if one cant do this (be open and honest) ...then who are you and what are you telling the world everyday? I had been in two long term relationships over the years, but this last year I started dating... The games people play and the lengths some people will go to try and get what they want without care of another is frightening. The cheating and deception is SO thick. At times I feel like our nation is no better than "Sodom and Gamorrah" and I grow weary at this thought. My son says ... "there are not many good men out there so your chances are slim Mom ...just letting you know". He recognizes this from his part of the world as well, via the children he goes to school with. People with ADD/HD tend towards literall interpretation RE: matters in life ... I have learned how to modify some of this but it is inherent. I think it is interesting that we (ADD/HD folks) have been put out in many ways throughout time. A girl I work with said something profound and true this week ...she said "the beautiful minds tend to be recognized after thay are dead." I could go on, but I think enough thought has been provoked in this entry so I will end here.
I have a beautiful mind and I'm thankful .....

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