Thursday, January 18, 2007

True Honest Love ...

I usually would not share what I'm about to share however I was so moved by this occurance that I
cant hold it in and I want it documented. I have always prayed in a particular way for my son in regards to a signifigant other, that would be in his life. My sons girlfriend is a lovely addition to our family. My son has been accepted into the fold of her family as well.
Every morning my son and I pray ... especailly for his sweetheart, as we are on our way to school. Nothing elaborate just want to bless the day before it begins. My son wanted me to hurry up and pray this morning so he could listen to some music before getting to school...I got frustrated as I had just pulled out of our neighborhood and was wanting a few seconds to settle in ...SO ... I told HIM to pray (I usually do the praying and he agrees). I caught him on this one, he was stunned now that the burden was on him. When he prayed for his girlfriend, it went a little like this .. he asked for healing to occur over time, so that she may live a longer life. Miss sweetheart has many chronic conditions that may shorten her life and I heard my son rally for her. Not only did he rally for her ... he has accepted her ... ALL OF HER! I wept later in the morning as I thought back to his prayer. Late this evening I shared with my son how he made me feel proud and honored to be his mom. I told him how lovely it was ... the way he loves Little Miss Sunshine (I love her too). My son told me he and his girlfriendhad a very open conversation about her health and that she had explained the consequences he could face by attaching his heart to her. My son went on to explain, that he had indeed told her he accepted her despite the potentail risks within his heart, and took on the possibility of loosing her someday. I told him that he has given her the greatest gift of love and acceptance. I told my boy that this act of love to a woman is very signifigant. I explained ... by not rejecting her, he most likely saved her a ton of emotional pain from the possible fella's who could have rejected her. I told my son that he is a real person ... who is true to himself and one who truly loves. I shared my morning prayer time occurance with two of my female friends and they were taken back ... I saw and heard their breath leap ... both women called my boy a man. Tonight I talked to my friend/little brother, Soleman. I read this entry to him. Soleman's response was ..."it is good to know there is another person out there that has a heart, because there are not many like your son out there" he also said .. "I raised a good boy" then stopped ...and said "actaully I should say MAN because no boy would ever do that."
True and Honest Love .... I'm personally very honored to witness such beauty!!

I have a beautiful mind and I'm thankful ....

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