Friday, March 16, 2007

Senosry Intergration ...

Sensory integration disorder .... I think you might have read briefly here at Bella's about this. My family practitioner and I have indeed found that I suffer from this and have the classic signs ie: freezing at the thought of going to grocery store. I just read that at times this can be mis-diagnosed as ADHD but in my case this is a cor-morbid thing along with the ADHD.

I touched up this picture on purpose in photo shop to make a point. I have noticed if I do not take my meds I'm really sensitive emotionally and physically. Physically I get drained in a heart beat with any extra emotional stimuli and even without .... LITERALLY! On Thursday I did not take my meds on purpose and by 12 noon I was ready to take a nap and I did. I cried all morning becasue all of the stress I have been under for the last 1.5 year now. I get to feeling this all over my body and all over my soul and even into my will. I'm amazed at this. I felt I needed to get this written down here as it is a fascinating experience to see the physical side as well as consciously feel it. The picture being white on the inside resembles all of my stimuli (being white hot) if you will and affecting all of the inside's of me. RE: The mauve colored would kill as it would be all to electrical but mauve is red and that internal hot white mixing and showing up together. All electrical .... totally amazing to get in touch with myself in these ways..... it is SO important to understand your body and I have SOUGHT and I have found uunderstanding!!
I have a beautiful creative mind and I'm thankful ~

1 comment:

Maddy said...

Don't you sometimes wish that you [and all of us] had been taught some of these relaxation techniques [as you mentioned in the post before about relaxation tapes] when we were little?
It's such a shame that it's only when we are adults that we have to find these things out for ourselves.
Best wishes