Tuesday, March 13, 2007

She said she was in tears all day ...

I can't say that I wont cry here today as I write this .... but the story is not about me, "she said she was in tears all day."

Twenty two years ago I made a friend. She is an amazing person ... I tend to think anyone who can put up with my quirks is pretty awesome really. My "friend" has two children and a couple months ago we were talking about her youngest one who is a lovely six year old boy. My friend was exhausted at certain things she was dealing with regarding this child and as friends do, she was venting some of her frequent struggles. I heard something that stopped me, so then I stopped her and this is exactly where this story starts. As I was hearing this mom's list of frustrations, I heard this .. "Zoe", every time I vacuume my son holds his hands over his ears and screams." Every one stop their beating heart and PLEASE hear me now! This is why I'm here at Bella's, this is why I write, this is the problem I want to solve by shining some light into these very dark places!!!!! The feeling that rose up inside me when my dear friend shared this, had much to do with compassion and justice. The knowledge that proceeded out of my mouth was easy and I was determined to reach my friend because I had a "knowing".
I asked a few questions that went much like this ... Q:"Do you think he is being naughty when he does this?" A:"No" Q:"How many years has this gone on" A: EVERY time I vaume Q:Do you think ANYBODY wants to scream and hold their ears EVERY TIME the vacume runs?" A: A No and i never thought about it that way was the way this answer went ... and I think you all get the picture. Then we talked about school and home, I told my friend "I"M NOT a doctor but I'm sure your son has a beautiful mind. I PROMISED her that getting him evaluated could save his social life; his self esteem and more. Please note: my friend has been in the medical profession and is not blind or stupid by any means ... I believe for most, the nature of this disorder is hard to detect and understand ... period.

This morning my friend and I were chatting as we do daily. Suddenly she broke into the flow of our conversation and began telling me that she had some great news, and that she was in tears all day yesterday and explained they were tears of joy. She went on to tell me that her son received a diagnoses of ADHD. She said they put him on Ritalin and yesterday afternoon her son came up to her and laid his head on her tummy. I heard something like ... oh my God Zoe, it was the first time I saw my son having peace within himself. Actually she said that and more and it was better coming from this moms heart. Apparently, when his head was on her tummy (he was being affectionate), she could actually feel his first morsels of inner peace. It was also the first time he was not jumping up and down and actually holding some stillness if you will. This whole story unveiled itself less than an hour ago for me. Yesterday her son was quite possibly saved from much pain if he had not been found while in this "invisible" disorder as Sari Solden calls it. If we could live out our heart and make our body fallow we would be in heaven on earth. The fact of this matter on a global scale is this (in my opinion)...meds are the easy way of dealing with us beautiful minds because so much time HAS NOT been invested into our welfare for proper schooling and early implementation of behavior modification. We have been left to ourselves or at the hands of the merciless-do the research and you will see for yourself. How long has this been going on..?... for decades, and to a degree we end up self destructing internally with external consequences.. We have been rejected and I can prove this by digging up history...all because the world has not known how to handle beautiful minds and I cant really blame, because we think pretty dang fast and that is not an easy beast of burden to contain. Today I'm thankful that one life has been changed while at a young age. I'm working on healing stuff on my end daily. This little guy and I ...we have beautiful minds and I'm so thankful for this!
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